Body Parts And Anatomy
Body building - Body fitness

Anatomy of the Gluteus Muscles
Muscular Anatomy
The Gluteus Maximus is one of the largest and strongest muscles in the body.
Not shown are the Gluteus Medius and Minimus, which lie directly underneath the Gluteus Maximus.
The Gluteus Maximus originates along the pelvic bone crests and attaches to the rear of the femur.
The Gluteus Medius and Minimus originate in the same spot as the Maximus but attach to the side of the femur.
The Iliotibial Band is made only of connective tissue. This band serves to transfer the force of abduction (moving the leg away from the centerline of the body) to the leg.
The primary function of the Gluteus Maximus is hip extension (moving the thigh to the rear).
The Gluteus Medius and Minimus serve to abduct (move away from the centerline of the body) the leg.
Anatomy and Exercises
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Gluteus muscles.
By G. Edther
The muscles in your buttocks support flexibility in your hips as well as your pelvis. Back pain exercise should include these muscles daily.
The gluteus stretch. Sit in a straight back or folding chair. Move your bottom only forward several inches from the chair back. In that position, lightly press your feet against the floor. Now squeeze your gluteus muscles together, and hold for 5 minutes. This stretch allows you to get back pain exercise while watching TV.

Gluteus Maximus Muscle Anatomy
By Crazy Folder
he gluteus maximus is make up of upper fibers and lower fibers.The function of the gluteus maximus is hip extension, hip external rotation, hip transfsverse abduction and hip adduction.The origin of the gluteus maximus is onto the Ilium, sacrum and the fascia of the lumbar area.The insertion is onto the femur and tibia. Other names for this muscle group or similar muscle groups referred to the 'Gluteus Maximus' are: Butt, Bum, Rear Hips, Glutes, Gluteus Maximus, Ass

Simple Butt Exercises
By Crazy Folder
Squats are the most powerful butt exercises that can help you get your butt and hips and thigh in better condition. Ideally they should be performed in front of a mirror. Stand with your legs placed slightly apart. Keeping your back straight, bend at the knees till your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to standing position. A variation of the squat is the Chair squat. In this case, you bend your knees till your butt touches a chair that is placed behind you. You can add barbells to give a new dimension to your squats. Placing the feet wider makes for a better exercise for the butt muscles.
The kickback is yet another effective butt exercise. Position yourself on a mat with hands and feet ensuring that your weight is evenly distributed. Draw one knee forward and then extend your leg straight behind you. This should be done in a smooth and gentle motion. The back should not be arched too much. The kickback exercise can be reinforced with ankle weights for more resistance. This can be done after you are comfortable with the exercise regimen. Repeat about 15 times for each leg.

Muscles Safety
Training tips
  • Maintain your ideal body weight. The more you weigh, the more stress you are putting on your joints, especially your hips, knees, back and feet.
  • Move your body. Exercise protects joints by strengthening the muscles around them. Strong muscles keep your joints from rubbing against one another, wearing down cartilage. We can help you get started on an exercise program that works for you.
  • Stand up straight. Good posture protects the joints in your neck, back, hips and knees.
  • Pace yourself. Alternate periods of heavy activity with periods of rest. Repetitive stress on joints for long periods of time can accelerate the wear and tear that causes osteoarthritis.
  • Listen to your body. If you are in pain, don't ignore it. Pain after activity or exercise can be an indication that you have overstressed your joints.
  • Don't be static. Changing positions regularly will decrease the stiffness in your muscles and joints.
  • Forget the weekend warrior. Don't engage in activities your body for which your body isn't prepared. Start new activities slowly and safely until you know how your body will react to them. This will reduce the chance of injury.
  • Wear proper safety equipment. Don't leave helmets and wrist pads at home. Make sure you get safety gear that is comfortable and fits appropriately.
  • Ask for help. Don't try to do a job that is too big for you to handle. Get another pair of hands to help out.

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