Bodybuilding Exercise & Workouts
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Palms-Down Wrist Curl over a bench
Training Tips
Muscles worked: forearms
Hold barbell with both hands, palms down, hands 16" apart.
Sit at end of bench, feet on floor about 20" apart.
Lean forward, place forearms on bench.
Place wrists over knees.
Lower bar as far as possible, keeping tight grip.
Curl bar as high as possible.
Dot not let forearms raise up.
Exercise Data : General exercise guideline
WARNING: Before beginning this or any exercise program, consult your physician.

Equipment Required:
Flat Weight Bench
Adjustable Barbells

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Exercise Safety
Training tips
  • Consult a physician before you begin an exercise program.
  • Always warm up before your workout with 5-10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Then stretch slowly, exhaling as you gently stretch each muscle. Without bouncing, hold each stretch for at least 10 to 30 seconds. Following your strength training regimen, stretch again to complete your workout.
  • Maintain proper spinal alignment and head positioning throughout your workout.
  • For maximum results, follow a complete program that includes proper nutrition, aerobic exercise and strength training.
  • To gain the most benefit out of your workout, it is necessary to use muscles that complement each other. When using a particular muscle, you should use the supporting muscles as well.
  • Do not attempt to lift more weight than you can comfortably handle. Avoid the risk al injury by remaining within your limits.
  • Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the pressing action, and inhale upon returning to the start position. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained by or through use of this website © 2003-2007 All rights reserved